Denne whistleblowerordning gør det muligt at indbette forhold, hvor interne procedurer er blevet tilsidesat eller hvor lovgivningen er brudt. Der er mulighed for at indberette helt anonymt ved at benytte vores eksternt administrerede whistleblowerløsning, leveret af Blanner Compliance. Blanner Compliance garantere at være upartiske samt at overholde al lovgivning.
Når du har lavet en indberetning vil Blanner Compliance screene indberetningen. Dernæst sender Blanner Compliance anbefalinger til ledelsen eller den aftalte kontaktperson. Uden navne og andre persondata, hvis man har valgt at indberette anonymt.
Du kan også altid vælge at indberette via Den Nationale Whistleblowerordning.
Whistleblower scheme for Vertica
This whistleblower scheme makes it possible to report incidences where internal policies have not been upheld or laws/regulations have possibly been broken. Reporting can be done in full anonymity by using our external whistleblower solution administrated by Blanner Compliance ApS. Blanner Compliance guaranties to be completely impartial in all handling and reporting and comply with all legislation.
When a party submits a report, Blanner Compliance will screen the report. After their review, the management or the agreed upon contact will receive their recommendations in regards to the report – completely anonymized if you have chosen to be anonymous.
You can always choose to report via the National Whistleblower Scheme.