Supports a natural purchase flow
It has always been important for Denmark's largest plumbing wholesaler Brødrene Dahl, to be able to provide customers with the best service and purchase experience - both when shopping online and in one of the 53 plumbing stores nationwide. Customers are tradesmen who are often on the move, so it must be easy, fast and flexible to order and get the materials and tools they need for the various construction projects. With the launch of Brødrene Dahl's brand new self-service app, the tradesmen now have the opportunity to scan and pick the goods directly from the shelves in the shops - and they can subsequently complete the purchase themselves.
The app was developed in collaboration with Vertica, and the goal has been to create an elegant and intuitive app that supports customers' purchase flow down to the smallest detail. In a few steps, the craftsmen can log in with their customer profile, select the current construction project for which they want to buy goods, scan the barcodes on the goods and pick them directly from the shelf. Afterwards, they can approve the order with a single swipe in the app, and simply show the receipt to an employee when they leave the store. All covering notes can be printed directly in the store or sent by mail - and they are also in the app for later use.

Part of an ambitious digital strategy
The self-service app is part of Brødrene Dahl's overall digital business strategy, where all digital and physical channels are linked together with data gathered in one place. This means, among other things, that the customers in the app receive exactly the same unique information, prices and offers that they receive when logging into the bd.dk webshop.
Using Geolocation, the app recognizes which store the customer is in and the customer is automatically connected with the local store warehouse. If the item is not in stock in the store, the customer is offered a purchase via Brødrene Dahl's central warehouse, and the customer can subsequently buy the item via bd.dk. Brødrene Dahl also use Geolocation in the app to guide the tradesmen to the nearest store when on the move.
Mia Wiid Jakobsen
Business Developer and Digital Project Manager at Saint-Gobain
The store at your fingertips
Brødrene Dahl's new app allows customers to shop exactly when and where they need it. In other words, they always have the store at their fingertips.
The app was launched in December 2019 in one test-shop, and customers received it very well. The app is being continuously rolled out in the other stores and it is expected to be fully implemented in all 53 stores during the summer of 2020.
The app was developed in collaboration with Isobar, which has created design, user interface and User Journey, and it works on both iOS and Android.